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网络收集的视频讲道资料 作者:网络 | 来源:基督教阿们网 | 时间:2009-07-25
    新 书 New Books :
  1.   2008   《家庭祭坛》Family Altar (每日读经和伯兰罕讲道思索) : 第一册
  2.   1994   《超凡的一生》Supernatural (威廉.玛利安.伯兰罕传记)
    (The Life of William Marrion Branham): 第一, 二, 三, 四, 五册 .
  3.   1980 我们这个时代会有真先知吗? A True Prophet To Our Generation?
  4.   1950   《一个从神那里差来的人》A Man Sent from God   . . .   . . .   . . .
  1. 09-0722 福音的能力 The Power of the Gospel - Tony Abma
  2. 09-0719M 终于到了最后 Finally, The End - Tom Rae
  3. 09-0715 神超自然的交响乐 God's Supernatural Symphony - Ernie Villanueva
  4. 09-0712M 流着血的道仍然在说话 The Bleeding Word Still Speaks - Tom Rae
  5. 09-0708 闲话的咝咝声 The Hiss In Gossip - Lance LeRoux
  6. 09-0705M 神的怜悯 The Mercies of God - Tim Dodds
  7. 09-0701 被带领去到一个预备了的地方 Led to A Prepared Place - Didier K.
  8. 09-0628E 从旷野去到应许之地 Promise Land - Jn Andes
  9. 09-0628M 有史以来最大的邀请 The Greatest Invitation Ever - Tom Rae
  10. 09-0624 神在运行 God Is Moving - Ken Andes
  11. 09-0621E 聚集的年代 The Gathering In This Age - Ed Byskal
  12. 09-0621M 甜蜜释放之年 The Year of Sweet Release - Tom Rae
  13. 09-0617 冲突中基督的本性 Nature of Christ During Conflict 2 - Jn Andes
  14. 09-0614M 饥渴属于神的事实 Hungering for the Realities of God 2 - Ed Byskal
  15. 09-0610 冲突中基督的本性 Nature of Christ During Conflict 1 - Jn Andes
  16. 09-0607E 胜过你自己 Conquering Yourself - Lance LeRoux
  17. 09-0607M 饥渴属于神的事实 Hungering for the Realities of God 1 - Ed Byskal
  18. 09-0603 这地是我们的地 This Land Is My Land - Tom Rae
  19. 09-0531E 另一个世代已在这里 Another Generation Is Here - John Andes
  20. 09-0531M 争战还没有结束 The Battle's Not Over 2 - Tom Rae
  21. 09-0527 一个新的世代正在兴起 A New Generation Is Rising - Ed Byskal
  22. 09-0524M 争战还没有结束 The Battle's Not Over 1 - Tom Rae
  23. 09-0520 在加低斯巴尼亚得胜 Victory At Kadesh Barnea - John Andes
  24. 09-0517M 从人的知识到启示 Fr. Human Knowledge To Revelation 2 - Ed B.
  25. 09-0513 我们的信任稳固 Our Confidence Is Steadfast & Firm - Tom Rae
  26. 09-0510E 没有偏见 Without Partiality - Lance LeRoux
  27. 09-0510M 从人的知识到启示 Fr. Human Knowledge To Revelation 1 - Ed B.
  28. 09-0506 辨认身份带来信任 Identification Brings Confidence - Tom Rae
  29. 09-0503E 在我们应许之地做的决定 Decisions In..Promised Land - Jn Andes
  30. 09-0503M 我们的身份被恢复了 Our Indentity Restored - Tom Rae
  31. 09-0429 好客的奖赏 The Reward of Hospitality - Didier Kalambai
  32. 09-0426E 以诺的子孙与神同行 Sons of Enoch Walked With God - Tom Rae
  33. 09-0426M 恢复的神的形象 The Restored Image of God - Ed Byskal
  34. 09-0422 保全生命 Life Preserve - Murphy Wong
  35. 09-0419E 救赎的爱是我的主题曲 Redeem.Love'll Be My Theme - Tom Rae
  36. 09-0419M 这些事是我们的鉴戒 These Things're Our Examples - Ed Byskal
  37. 09-0415 叫一个人出来 Give Me A Man - Dwayne Fehr
  38. 09-0412E 我知道我的救赎主活着 I Know My Redeemer Liveth - Tom Rae
  39. 09-0412M 末世的复活 Resurrection In the End-time - Ed Byskal
  40. 09-0408 打碎信息里的虚假文化 Break.the False Message Culture 2 - Jn A.
  41. 09-0405E 等候神 Waiting On God - Lance LeRoux
  42. 09-0405M 一个微小的声音和以利亚的袍子..Small Voice & Elijah's Mantal-Ed B.
  43. 09-0401 你们出去是要看什么 What Went Yea Out For To See? - Ed Byskal
  44. 09-0322E 家庭计划 Family Planning - Jason Jackson
  45. 09-0322M 绝望带来改变 Desperation Brings Change - Ed Byskal
  46. 09-0320 你信心的试练 The Trial of Your Faith - Jason Jackson
  47. 09-0315E 同样性情的人 Man of Like Passion - Didier Kalambai
  48. 09-0315M 施恩座 The Mercy Seat - Ed Byskal
  49. 09-0308E 复兴带来改变 Revival Brings Change - John Andes
  50. 09-0308M 征服的羔羊 The Conquering Lamb - Lance LeRoux
  51. 09-0304 然后天使来触摸了我 Then An Angel Touched Me - Didier K.
  52. 09-0301E 圣经的结果 Bible Results - Lance LeRoux
  53. 09-0301M 管家的职分 Stewardship 3 - Ed Byskal
  54. 09-0225 冬令营的见证 Winter Camp 2009 Testimonies - Tom Rae
  55. 09-0222E 把基督的道存在心里 Let..Word Dwell in You - Danny Stemmen
  56. 09-0222M 管家的职分 Stewardship 2 - Ed Byskal
  57. 09-0218 我们见到了,我们还想见到更多 We..Want..See More - Jn Andes
  58. 09-0215E 信徒 Believers - Ken Andes
  59. 09-0215M 管家的职分 Stewardship 1 - Ed Byskal
  60. 09-0211 又到了种子的时候 It's SEED Time, Again - John Andes
  61. 09-0208E 打开的书卷 The Open Book - Joseph Greene
  62. 09-0208M 种子与壳不能同受产业Seed & Shuck aren't Heir Togather-J.Greene
  63. 09-0206 你们在这里住的够久了You..Dwelt Here Long Enough - Jos.Greene
  64. 09-0201E 奉献的道路 The Way of Consecration - Lance LeRoux
  65. 09-0201M 你看见了什么 What Do You See? 3 - Ed Byskal
  66. 09-0128 你看见了什么 What Did You See? 2 - Ed Byskal
  67. 09-0125E 恢复不是改良 Restoration NOT Reformation - John Andes
  68. 09-0125M 你看见了什么 What Do You See? 1 - Ed Byskal
  69. 09-0121 一个真先知的行事方式 Way of A True Prophet - Wm Branham
  70. 09-0118E 不可见的成为可见的 The Unseen Becoming Visible - Bennie Perry
  71. 09-0118M 恒久忍耐如见那不可见的主Endured..See.Who's Invisible - B.Perry
  72. 09-0116 凡能被震动的都要被震动Things..Can..Shaken will..Shaken -B.Perry
  73. 09-0111E 新妇事工的确据 Assurance of Bride's Commission - Tony Abma
  74. 09-0111M 天上来的看顾 Providential Care 2 - Lance LeRoux
  75. 09-0107 拥有基督的心思 Possess. the Heart & Mind of Christ - Jn Andes
  76. 09-0104E 天上来的看顾 Providential Care 1 - Lance LeRoux
  77. 09-0104M 文明的种子 Seeds of Civilization - Ed Byskal
  78. 08-1231 新年聚会 Watchnight Service
  79. 08-1228E 我知道我的印证者活着 I Know My Vindicator Liveth - Tom Rae
  80. 08-1228M 绝对的生命 The Absolute Life - Ed Byskal
  81. 08-1214E 责任停在这里 The Buck Stops Here - Lance LeRoux
  82. 08-1214M 报剜我双眼的仇 Avenge My Eyes - Tom Rae
  83. 08-1210 行善 Doing Good - Ken Andes
  84. 08-1207E 圣洁的帕子对情欲的帕子 The Lust Veil vs Holy Veil - John Andes
  85. 08-1207M 不羞于宣告这个福音 Unashamed to Proclaim..Gospel 2 - Tom Rae
  86. 08-1203 不羞于宣告这个福音 Unashamed to Proclaim..Gospel 1 - Tom Rae
  87. 08-1130E 古蛇的踪迹 The Trail of the Serpent - John Andes
  88. 08-1130M 末时的旌旗 The End-Time Ensign 2 - Tom Rae
  89. 08-1126 乌兹别克斯坦 Special Service from Uzbekistan - Anatoliy Saidov
  90. 08-1116E 被爱得着 Apprehended By Love - Tom Rae
  91. 08-1116M 繁殖的定律 Law of Reproduction - Ed Byskal
  92. 08-1112 断开试探的锁链 Breaking The Chains Of Temptation - Jn Andes
  93. 08-1109M 光在追赶黑暗 The Light Behind the Veil - Ed Byskal
  94. 08-1019E 神真实的经济 God's True Economy 3 - Tom Rae
  95. 08-1019M 医好伤心的人 Bind Up the Broken-Hearted - Ed Byskal
  96. 08-1015 披上基督 Put On Christ - Lance LeRoux
  97. 08-1012M 神真实的经济 God's True Economy 2 - Tom Rae
  98. 08-1005E 建议,站立,宝座 The Counsel, Stand & Throne - Didier Kalambaie
  99. 08-1005M 神真实的经济 God's True Economy 1 - Tom Rae
  100. 08-1001 一种奋不顾身的状态 A State of Desperation - John Andes
  101. 08-0928E 圣餐 - 这是个纪念 Communion - It's a Commemoration
  102. 08-0928M 合一的恩膏 Anointed For Unity - Lance LeRoux
  103. 08-0914M 恩典的工作 The Works of Grace - Lance LeRoux
  104. 08-0910 你的生命重要 Your Life i s Important - Ken Andes
  105. 08-0907M 没有功劳 Without Merit 4 - Lance LeRoux
  106. 08-0903 我为你的殿心里焦急如同火烧Zeal of Thine House... - Ed Byskal
  107. 08-0831M 再去观看 Go Look Again - Tom Rae
  108. 08-0827 经历之前与之后 Before & After the Experience - John Andes
  109. 08-0824M 没有功劳 Without Merit 3 - Lance LeRoux
  110. 08-0820 坚固在神的道上 Established in The Word - Tom Rae
  111. 08-0817M 信心的成就 Achievements of Faith - Ed Byskal
  112. 08-0810E 夏令营聚会 Bible , Camp Meeting - Ron Spencer
  113. 08-0809E 夏令营聚会 Bible Camp Meeting - Ron Spencer
  114. 08-0808E 夏令营聚会 Bible Camp Meeting - Ron Spencer
  115. 08-0807E 夏令营聚会 Bible Camp Meeting - Ron Spencer
  116. 08-0803M 生命册与羔羊的生命册 Book of Life & Lamb's Book of Life - Ed Byskal
  117. 08-0730 至高的恩典 Sovereign Grace Stepping In - John Andes
  118. 08-0727M 我的性命得以保全 My Life's Preserved 2 - Ed Byskal
  119. 08-0723 你要发热心,也要悔改 Be Zealous.. & Repent - Tom Rae
  120. 08-0720M 我的性命得以保全 My Life's Preserved 1 - Ed Byskal
  121. 08-0716 没有功劳 Without Merit 2 - Lance LeRoux
  122. 08-0713M 没有功劳 Without Merit 1 - Lance LeRoux
  123. 08-0709 菲律宾事工报告 Philippines Report - Michael & Ernie V.
  124. 08-0707 狄明娜姐妹的葬礼/ Funeral Service for Sis. Minna Dyck - Ed Byskal
  125. 08-0706M 基督再来的表达 The Expression of This Coming - Ed Byskal
  126. 08-0702 我若要统治就必要争战 I Must Fight If I Should Reign - Tom Rae
  127. 08-0629M 在你里面的基督的奥秘 The Mystery of Christ in You 3 - Ed Byskal
  128. 08-0625 神个人的本性 The Personal Nature of God - John Andes
  129. 08-0622E 为生命而战 The Battle For Life 2 - Tom Rae
  130. 08-0622M 在你里面的基督的奥秘 The Mystery of Christ in You 2 - Ed Byskal
  131. 08-0618 在你里面的基督的奥秘 The Mystery of Christ in You 1 - Ed Byskal
  132. 08-0615E 一首新歌 A New Song - Richard Diyoka
  133. 08-0615M 我们永恒的家 Our Eternal Home - Richard Diyoka
  134. 08-0611 为生命而战 The Battle For Life 1 - Tom Rae
  135. 08-0608E 全能神的灵感 The Inspiration of the Almighty - Tim Dodd
  136. 08-0608M 约的食物 The Covenant Meal - Ed Byskal
  137. 08-0604 认出你属灵的基因 Recognizing Your Spiritual Genes - John Andes
  138. 08-0601E 伟大完全的献祭 The Great & Perfect Sacrifice 2 - Tom Rae
  139. 08-0601M 显现的神在我们生命里的启示Rev.of Unveil.of God in Our Life -Ed B.
  140. 08-0528 伟大完全的献祭 The Great & Perfect Sacrifice 1 - Tom Rae
  141. 08-0525M 我必使你们彼此为仇 I'll Put Enmity - Lance LeRoux
  142. 08-0521 救赎的权柄-中东之旅报告 Rights of Redemption - Tony Abma
  143. 08-0518M 基督再来的奥秘 Mystery of Christ's Coming - Ed Byskal
  144. 08-0514 儿子的等次 Order of the Son - Jason Watkins
  145. 08-0511E 女人的后裔 The Seed of the Woman - Lance LeRoux
  146. 08-0511M 说出之道的能力 Power of the Spoken Word - Ed Byskal
  147. 08-0507 看..神在..这个世代的奇迹和荣耀..The Wonder & Glory of God..- Ernie V.
  148. 08-0504E 在这块磐石上 Upon This Rock - Tom Rae
  149. 08-0504M 天国新郎创造了..新妇Heaven.Bridegroom Creat.His..Bride 7 - Ed B.
  150. 08-0430 天国新郎创造了..新妇Heaven.Bridegroom Creat.His..Bride 6 - Ed B.
  151. 08-0427E 稳固的根基 Firm Foundation 2 - Tom Rae
  152. 08-0427M 天国新郎创造了..新妇Heaven.Bridegroom Creat.His..Bride 5 - Ed B.
  153. 08-0423 成熟的新一代 Maturity in the New Getneration - John Andes
  154. 08-0420E 稳固的根基 Firm Foundation 1 - Tom Rae
  155. 08-0420M 天国新郎创造了..新妇Heaven.Bridegroom Creat.His..Bride 4 - Ed B.
  156. 08-0416 对新一代的警告 Message Adoption - John Andes
  157. 08-0413E 天国新郎创造了..新妇Heaven.Bridegroom Creat.His..Bride 3 - Ed B.
  158. 08-0413M 天国新郎创造了..新妇Heaven.Bridegroom Creat.His..Bride 2 - Ed B.
  159. 08-0409 在信息里得儿子的名分 Message Adoption - John Andes
  160. 08-0406E 在他里面是生命 In Him Was Life - Lance LeRoux
  161. 08-0406M 天国新郎创造了..新妇Heaven.Bridegroom Creat.His..Bride 1 - Ed B.
  162. 08-0402 两个冠冕之间的白发 Wig Between 2 Crowns - Didier Kalambaie
  163. 08-0330E 借着他们所作的见证得胜 Overcoming by..Testimony 3 - Tom Rae
  164. 08-0330M 神所差派的 Him Whom God Hath Sent 2 - Ed Byskal
  165. 08-0326 神所差派的 Him Whom God Hath Sent 1 - Ed Byskal
  166. 08-0323E 借着他们所作的见证得胜 Overcoming by..Testimony 2 - Tom Rae
  167. 08-0323M 复活的迹象 Signs of the Resurrection - Ed Byskal
  168. 08-0320 西拉弟兄的葬礼聚会 Bro. Silas' Funeral
  169. 08-0319 神使之有分别 God Makes the Difference - Ken Andes
  170. 08-0316E 抓牢在幔子内的锚 Anchored within the Veil - Lance LeRoux
  171. 08-0316M 从那时起 From That Time - Ed Byskal
  172. 08-0312 认出我们属灵的经历 Recogn. Spiritual Experiences - Jn Andes
  173. 08-0309E 塑造成他的形象 Molded Into His Image - Lance LeRoux
  174. 08-0309M 你要我做什么 What Will You Have Me To Do? - Ed Byskal
  175. 08-0305 借着他们所作的见证得胜 Overcoming by..Testimony 1 - Tom Rae
  176. 08-0302E 按照蓝图来做 Stay with the Blue Print - Burley Williams
  177. 08-0302M 一个合神心意的人 A Man After God's Own Heart - Ed Byskal
  178. 08-0227 预备经历 Preparation For Experience - John Andes
  179. 08-0224E 撒母耳的两种膏抹 Samuel's 2 Anointings - Didier Kalambaie
  180. 08-0224M 谦卑使我们得胜 Overcoming By Humility - Tom Rae
  181. 08-0220 神是不同的 God is Different - Ken Andes
  182. 08-0217E 在转变时期的带领 Leadership During Adoption Changes - John A.
  183. 08-0217M 谦卑的态度 Attitude of Humility - Tom Rae
  184. 08-0213 正确的态度带来渴望的结果Cor. Attitude Brings Des. Result 2-Tom R.
  185. 08-0210E 正确的态度带来渴望的结果Cor. Attitude Brings Des. Result 1-Tom R.
  186. 08-0210M 你的未来是清晰的 Your Future Is Clear - Ed Byskal
  187. 08-0206 接受得儿子名分时的改变Accept.Changes in Spiritual Adoption -Jn A.
  188. 08-0203E 在饥荒的日子必得饱足 Fed In Famine 2 - Tom Rae
  189. 08-0203M 恢复了的地界 Restored Landmarks - Ed Byskal
  190. 08-0130 永远是亲爱的 Sweethearts Forever - Bob King
  191. 08-0127E 在饥荒的日子必得饱足 Fed In Famine 1 - Tom Rae
  192. 08-0127M 因他的贫穷我们成为富足Thro His Poverty We're Made Rich 2- Ed B.
  193. 08-0123 粗犷的基督教 Rugged Christianity 4 - Lance LeRoux
  194. 08-0120E 在转变时期的品性危机Character In Jeopardy During Change - Jn A.
  195. 08-0120M 因他的贫穷我们成为富足Thro His Poverty We're Made Rich 1 - Ed B.
  196. 07-1231 除夕聚会 Watchnight 2007-2008
  197. 07-1230 我现在活着的生命 The Life Which I Now Live - Ed Byskal
  198. 07-1223E 被引导去到成了肉身的道那里 Led to the Word Made Flesh - Tom Rae
  199. 07-1223M 照亮外邦人的光 A Light To Lighten the Gentiles - Ed Byskal
  200. 07-1219 还能再做什么 What More Could Have Been Done?- Ed Byskal
  201. 07-1216E 有能力胜过罪与疾病 Power Over Sin & Sickness - Tim Dodd
  202. 07-1216M 大卫的儿子们 The Sons of David - Tim Dodd
  203. 07-1212 和好的钥匙 Key of Reconciliation - John Andes
  204. 07-1209E 粗犷的基督教 Rugged Christianity 2 - Lance LeRoux
  205. 07-1209M 顺服天父的旨意 Surrendering to the Father's Will - Tom Rae
  206. 07-1205 和好的美丽 The Beauty of Reconciliation - John Andes
  207. 07-1202M 揭示神的怜悯 The Revealing of God's Mercy - Tom Rae
  208. 07-1128 在爱子里得蒙悦纳 Accepted In the Beloved - Ed Byskal
  209. 07-1125 在窑匠的转轮上 On the Potters Wheel 3 - Tom Rae
  210. 07-1121 在窑匠的转轮上 On the Potters Wheel 2 - Tom Rae
  211. 07-1118E 在窑匠的转轮上 On the Potters Wheel 1 - Tom Rae
  212. 07-1118M 一个宽大又有功效的门A Great Door & Effectual Is Opened - Ed B.
  213. 07-1114 拥有转折点的钥匙 Possessing the Key In Transition - John Andes
  214. 07-1111M 被圣灵带到新妇的时代 Moved by the Holy Ghost In Bride Age - Ed B.
  215. 07-1107 哈拿的奥秘 The Mystery of Hannah - Kayumbi Leonard
  216. 07-1031 粗犷的基督教 Rugged Christianity 1 - Lance LeRoux
  217. 07-0826 神的应许都是是的 Promises of God are Yea & Amen - Tom Rae
  218. 07-0822 地不可永卖 The Land Shall Not Be Sold Forever - Gideon Retief
  219. 07-0819 对神属性的呼召 Calling the Attributes of God - Ed Byskal
  220. 07-0812 这里传来的声音 A Voice From Here - Aaron McGeary
  221. 07-0811 心里传来的声音 A Voice From the Heart - Aaron McGeary
  222. 07-0810 天国传来的声音 A Voice From Heaven - Aaron McGeary
  223. 07-0809 阴间传来的声音 A Voice From Hell - Aaron McGeary
  224. 07-0805 生命树是主的宴席The Tree of Life's Table of the Lord - Ed Byskal
  225. 07-0801 我必不致缺乏 I Shall Not Want - Lance Leroux
  226. 07-0729 变换的风 Winds of Change - Ed Byskal
  227. 07-0725 新妇属灵的食物 Spiritual Food For the Bride - Zephaniah Peter
  228. 07-0722 叹息等候那不朽坏的 Groaning For Immortality - Tom Rae
  229. 07-0715 对你敌人正确的回应 Correct Response to Your Enemy - Ed Byskal
  230. 07-0627 神和祂的百姓 God & His People - Raimundo Maia
  231. 07-0624 我们是一个真实的见证人 We Are A True Witness - Ed Byskal
  232. 07-0620 有福的眼睛 Blessed Eyes - Tom Rae
  233. 07-0617 进入祂的安息 Entering Into His Rest 2 - Ed Byskal
  234. 07-0613 涂上记号 Applying The Token - Ed Byskal
  235. 07-0610E 祂知道我所行的路 He Knowth the Way That I Take - Tom Rae
  236. 07-0610M 进入祂的安息 Entering Into His Rest 1 - Ed Byskal
  237. 07-0606 为他们的缘故 For Their Sakes - John Andes
  238. 07-0603E 知道你是谁 Know Who You Are - Lance LeRoux
  239. 07-0603M 一个清楚正确的决定 A Clear Cut & Correct Decision - Ed Byskal
  240. 07-0530 释放属灵的愿望 The Releasing of Spiritual Desire - John Andes
  241. 07-0527 争夺首位 Fight For the Preeminence 2 - Tom Rae
  242. 07-0523 名字后面的生命 The Life Behind The Name - Lance LeRoux
  243. 07-0520M 争夺首位 Fight For the Preeminence 1 - Tom Rae
  244. 07-0516 有史以来最大的复兴 Greatest Revival In History - Ernie Villanueva
  245. 07-0513E 从上面生的 Born From Above - John Andes
  246. 07-0513M 神的奇妙 The Wonderfulness of God - Tom Rae
  247. 07-0509 借着先知晓谕 He Signified It By His Angel - Lonnie Jenkins
  248. 07-0506E 神的分离 God's Separation 2 - Lance LeRoux
  249. 07-0506M 救赎的地方 The Place of Redemption - Ed Byskal
  250. 07-0501 拉比里奇曼 Rabbi Chaim Richman
  251. 07-0430 拉比里奇曼 Rabbi Chaim Richman
  252. 07-0429E 重生 Born Again - John Andes
  253. 07-0429M 洁净祭坛 Sanctify the Altar - Ed Byskal
  254. 07-0425 心的祭坛 Altar Of Your Heart - Ed Byskal
  255. 07-0422E 在天上开了一道门 A Door Opened In Heaven - Didier Kalambaie
  256. 07-0422M 被损坏的杰作 The Marred Masterpiece - Ed Byskal
  257. 07-0415E 没想到的赦免 Unexpected Pardon - John Andes
  258. 07-0415M 为被提受膏并预备 Anointed & Prepared For Rapture - Ed Byskal
  259. 07-0411 为被提而预备 Preparation For Rapture - Ed Byskal
  260. 07-0408E 被激活到更高的生命 Quickened To the Higher Life - Jn Andes
  261. 07-0408M 权柄成为神的儿子 Power to Become the Sons of God - Tom Rae
  262. 07-0404 末后事件的顺序 Endtime Sequence of Events - Tony Abma
  263. 07-0401E 神的分开 God's Separation 1 - Lance LeRoux
  264. 07-0401M 膏抹成为真实的见证 Anointed to Be a True Witness - Ed Byskal
  265. 07-0328 有福的眼睛 Eyes that are Blessed - Tom Rae
  266. 07-0325E 受训和经历 Trained & Experienced 2 - Tom Rae
  267. 07-0325M 被提的恩膏 Anonited For Rapture 2 - Ed Byskal
  268. 07-0318E 驱使我们去认同 Driven To Be Identified - Tom Rae
  269. 07-0318M 为被提而受膏 Anointed For Rapture 1 - Ed Byskal
  270. 07-0314 去到不朽坏的季节 Reaching Into the Season Immortality - Jn Andes
  271. 07-0311M 从耶路撒冷到巴比伦再回归From Jerusalem To Babylon & Back - E.Byskal
  272. 07-0307 道创造的品性 Word Created Character - Tom Rae
  273. 07-0304E 要有光 Let There be Light - Lance LeRoux
  274. 07-0304M 启示留下烙印 Impressed By Revelation 2 - Ed Byskal
  275. 07-0225E 我去 I Will Go - Tom Rae
  276. 07-0225M 启示留下烙印 Impressed By Revelation 1 - Ed Byskal
  277. 07-0221 在超自然的领域兴盛 Prospering In Realms of Supernatural - Ernie V.
  278. 07-0218E 实在的恢复 Restoration In Reality - John Andes
  279. 07-0218M 预备的时候 The Hour of Preparation - Tom Rae
  280. 07-0211E 为主预备的百姓 A People Prepared For the Lord - Tom Rae
  281. 07-0211M 沉默里的安全 Security In Silence - Ed Byskal
  282. 07-0204E 外邦人日期满足的时候(中东宣教报告) Fullness of Gentiles.. - T. Abma
  283. 07-0204M 我是你极大的赏赐 I'm Your Exceeding Great Reward - Tom Rae
  284. 07-0131 恢复那无条件的约Unconditional Covenant In Restoration - Jn Andes
  285. 07-0128E 被印证的果子 Vindicated Fruit - Tom Rae
  286. 07-0128M 永远忠诚 Forever Faithful - Lance LeRoux
  287. 07-0124 神属灵的晴雨表 God's Spiritual Barometer 2 - Tom Rae
  288. 07-0121E 目的,目的,目的 Purpose, Purpose, Purpose - John Andes
  289. 07-0121M 神属灵的晴雨表 God's Spiritual Barometer 1 - Tom Rae
  290. 07-0117 神秘的生物钟 The Mystical Body Clock - Didier Kalambaie
  291. 07-0107E 打那美好的仗 Fight the Good Fight - Lance LeRoux
  292. 07-0107M 旗帜的信息 Ensign Message - Ed Byskal
  293. 07-0103 超自然的智慧,神的彰显Superntrl Intelligence, Divine Manifestn - Ernie V.
  294. 06-1231E 新年聚会 Watch Night Service
  295. 06-1231M 神的奥秘在肉身彰显 The Mystery of God In the Flesh 3 - Ed Byskal
  296. 06-1227 奉献的生命 Giving Life - Ken Andes
  297. 06-1224M 神的奥秘在肉身彰显 The Mystery of God In the Flesh 2 - Ed Byskal
  298. 06-1220 绝对的真实–神的思想在行动..God's Thought In Action - Tony Abma
  299. 06-1217E 圣诞节的真理 The Truth Of Christmas - John Andes
  300. 06-1217M 神的奥秘在肉身彰显 The Mystery of God In the Flesh 1 - Ed Byskal
  301. 06-1213 救恩的喜乐 Joy In Redemption - Tom Rae
  302. 06-1210E 复兴的道,能力,负担 Revival Word, Power & Burden - John Andes
  303. 06-1210M 主的释放 The Lord's Release - Tom Rae
  304. 06-1206 逃脱的枝子 The Branch That Has Escaped - Tom Rae
  305. 06-1203E 在我们世代的复兴 Revival In Our Generation - John Andes
  306. 06-1203M 得胜有余 More Then Conquerors 3 - Ed Byskal
  307. 06-1126M 拥有打开书卷的人 The People of the Open Book - Tim Pruitt
  308. 06-1124 醒来 The Awakening - Tim Pruitt
  309. 06-1119E 在没有品性的时代拥有品性 Character In Characterless Age - T. Rae
  310. 06-1119M 得胜有余 More Than Conquerors 2 - Ed Byskal
  311. 06-1115 属天的卑微 Heavenly Humility - Ed Byskal
  312. 06-1112M 得胜有余 More Than Conquerors 1 - Ed Byskal
  313. 06-1108 用吼声回应 Roaring Back - Tom Rae
  314. 06-1104M 两种吼叫 The Two Roarings - Tom Rae
  315. 06-0903M 事情的中心 The Heart of the Matter - Tom Rae
  316. 06-0830 确信我们的经历 Confidence In Our Experience - John Andes
  317. 06-0827M 兴盛之子 Son of Prosperity 2 - Ed Byskal
  318. 06-0823 想想吧 Think About It - Tom Rae
  319. 06-0820M 兴盛之子 Son of Prosperity 1 - Ed Byskal
  320. 06-0813M 我们有确定的话 We Have A Sure Word - Ron Spencer
  321. 06-0812E 我们的冠军;我们的英雄 Our Champion, Our Hero - Ron Spencer
  322. 06-0811E 气氛 Atmosphere - Ron Spencer
  323. 06-0810E 预定 Ordained - Ron Spencer
  324. 06-0809E 神在大自然中 God In Nature 1 - Brain Jones
  325. 06-0730M 转折点 Turning Point - Tom Rae
  326. 06-0723M 我们要做什么才能得救 What Must I Do To Be Saved? - Ron Peterson
  327. 06-0719 寻求真理的人 Seekers of the Divine Truth - Ernie Villanuevaa
  328. 06-0718 米利暗姐妹的葬礼聚会 Sister Miriam's Funeral - Tom Rae
  329. 06-0716M 神旨意的奥秘 Mystery In His Will - Lance LeRoux
  330. 06-0712 持守对绝对的确定 Remain.Certain to the Absolute - John Andes
  331. 06-0709M 基督身体的差异 The Diversity of the Body of Christ - Ed Byskal
  332. 06-0705 专心,专心,专心 Wholly,Wholly,Wholly - Tom Rae
  333. 06-0628 在转变当中忠诚 Faithful in Transitions - Ken Andes
  334. 06-0625E 同一个信心的灵 That Same Spirit of Faith - John Tay
  335. 06-0625M 权能的道 The Word of His Power 2 - Ed Byskal
  336. 06-0621 我是谁 Who I Am? - John Tay
  337. 06-0618E 完全的人 The Perfect Man - Tony Abma
  338. 06-0618M 权能的道 The Word of His Power 1 - Ed Byskal
  339. 06-0614 神与我们同工 God Working with Us - John Andes
  340. 06-0611E 仍得救恩之乐 Renewing of Salvation's Joy - Lance LeRoux
  341. 06-0611M 以怜悯和慈悲为冠冕 Crowned with Mercy & Compassion - Tom Rae
  342. 06-0607 以怜悯为冠冕 Crowned with Mercy - Tom Rae
  343. 06-0604E 圣灵充满的教导 Holy Ghost Filled Instruction - John Andes
  344. 06-0604M 更重大的事 Weighter Matter 2 - Ed Byskal
  345. 06-0531 被看不见的事所牵引说服Pulled & Persuaded by the Unseen 2-Tom R.
  346. 06-0528M 被看不见的事所牵引说服Pulled & Persuaded by the Unseen 1-Tom R.
  347. 06-0524 圣洁对歪曲 Sacredness vs Perversion - John Andes
  348. 06-0521E 启示的道是我们辨别之能Revealed Word's Our Discerment - Didier K.
  349. 06-0521M 更重大的事 Weighter Matter 1 - Ed Byskal
  350. 06-0517 宣教报告(靠书卷明白) Understand by the Books - Tony Abma
  351. 06-0514E 家庭里的气氛 Atmosphere In the Family - John Andes
  352. 06-0514M 被生命的能力驱使 Moved by the Power of Zoe Life 3 - Ed Byskal
  353. 06-0510 称义的信心 Justifing Faith - Aaron McGeary
  354. 06-0507E 家庭中的智慧 Wisdom In the Family - John Andes
  355. 06-0507M 被生命的能力驱使 Moved by the Power of Life 2 - Ed Byskal
  356. 06-0503 被生命的能力驱使 Moved by the Power of Life 1 - Ed Byskal
  357. 06-0430E 交托的结果 The Outcome of Yielding - Lance LeRoux
  358. 06-0430M 虽然迟延,还要等候 Though It Tarry, Wait For It 2 - Tom Rae
  359. 06-0426 虽然迟延,还要等候 Though It Tarry, Wait For It 1 - Tom Rae
  360. 06-0423E 警告,警告,警告 Warning, Warning, Warning - John Andes
  361. 06-0423M 信心的选择 Choosing By Faith - Tom Rae
  362. 06-0419 原本的异象 The Original Vision - Tony Abma
  363. 06-0416E 复活的大能 Quickening Power - John Andes
  364. 06-0416M 完美的风雨 The Perfect Storm - Tom Rae
  365. 06-0412 君尊的准予 The Royal Grant - Didier Kalambaie
  366. 06-0409E 在暴风雨中看见神 Seeing God In the Storm - Tom Rae
  367. 06-0409M 生命之道 The Path of Life 2 - Ed Byskal
  368. 06-0405 神的保证书 God's Worranty - Albert Griffiths
  369. 06-0402E 在爱里彼此宽容 Forebearing One Another - Lance LeRoux
  370. 06-0402M 生命之道 The Path of Life 1 - Ed Byskal
  371. 06-0329 恢复,成长,成熟 Restoration, Growth & Maturity - John Andes
  372. 06-0326E 人子的兴旺 The Increase of the Son of Man 2 - Ed Byskal
  373. 06-0326M 人子的兴旺 The Increase of the Son of Man 1 - Ed Byskal
  374. 06-0322 回应奉献的呼召 Answering the Call from Consecration - Jn Andes
  375. 06-0319E 救恩出自耶和华 Salvation Is of the Lord 2 - Tom Rae
  376. 06-0319M 祂必兴旺 He Must Increase - Ed Byskal
  377. 06-0312E 神的恢复 Divine Restoration - Ernie Villanueva
  378. 06-0312M 救恩出自耶和华 Salvation Is of the Lord 1 - Tom Rae
  379. 06-0308 神所认识的 Recognized by God - Ed Byskal
  380. 06-0305E 真正的灵感 True Inspiration - Lance LeRoux
  381. 06-0305M 祂要转变 He'll Turn the Heart - Ed Byskal
  382. 06-0301 安息在神的至高之上 Resting in the Sovereignty of God 2
  383. 06-0226M 安息在神的至高之上 Resting in the Sovereignty of God 1
  384. 06-0222 我们对神话语的反应 Our Reaction To The Word
  385. 06-0219 兵法 The Art of War 3
  386. 06-0215 家中没有行的事 Omission In the Family - John Andes
  387. 06-0212E 你认为基督是什么What Think Ye of Christ - Tom Rae
  388. 06-0212M 神的羔羊 The Lamb of God - Ed Byskal
  389. 06-0208 被提的带领 Rapture Leadership - Didier Kalambaie
  390. 06-0205E 被称为朋友的仆人 A Servant Called Friend - Lance LeRoux
  391. 06-0205M 先知的光学 Prophet Optics 5 - Ed Byskal
  392. 06-0201 简单的时刻 The Hour of Simplicity - Tom Rae
  393. 06-0129E 家中的悖逆 Rebellion In the Family - John Andes
  394. 06-0129M 先知的光学 Prophet Optics 4 - Ed Byskal
  395. 06-0125 先知的光学 Prophet Optics 3 - Ed Byskal
  396. 06-0122E 明白字里行间的意思 Reading Between The Lines - Ernie Villanueva
  397. 06-0122M 先知的光学 Prophet Optics 2 - Ed Byskal
  398. 06-0118 是罗得的家,还是亚伯拉罕的家?Family of Lot or Family of Abraham -J.A.
  399. 06-0115E 我们的神是嫉邪的神 Our God Is A Jealous God - Tom Rae
  400. 06-0115M 先知的光学 Prophet Optics 1 - Ed Byskal
  401. 06-0111 我们站在恩典之中 The Grace Wherein We Stand - Tony Abma
  402. 06-0108M 挑旺热心的火 Fanning the Fire of Fervency - Tom Rae
  403. 06-0101 苦涩的意义 What Means This Bitterness? - Lance LeRoux
  404. 05-1231 除夕聚会 Watch Night - Tom Rae
  405. 05-1228 耶稣基督活在祂的新妇里 Jesus Christ's Alive in His Bride -Ken Andes
  406. 05-1225 神与人的结合 Deity United with Humanity - Ed Byskal
  407. 05-1221 家庭的责任与关心 Responsibility & Concerns in Family - John Andes
  408. 05-1218E 配得起 Worthship - Tom Rae
  409. 05-1218M 为什么是伯利恒 Why Was It Bethlehem? - Ed Byskal
  410. 05-1214 拥有带来责任 Possession Brings Responsibility - Febronio Neto
  411. 05-1211E 莫桑比克事工报告 Mozambique Report - Febronio Neto
  412. 05-1211M 神要我们看到祂是现在的神 God Wants to be Seen As He Is - F. Neto
  413. 05-1207 神众子的彰显 Manifestation of God's Sons - Tony Abma
  414. 05-1204E 我们是祂手所做的工 We Are His Workmanship - Tom Rae
  415. 05-1130 与神独行 Walk Alone with God - Murphy Wong
  416. 05-1127E 最重要的事:与神同行 Most Important Thing - Walk with God - Jn A.
  417. 05-1127M 被呼召,差派的以斯帖 Esther Called & Sent - Ed Byskal
  418. 05-1123 明显明复活 Holding Forth the Resurrection - Tom Rae
  419. 05-1120M 到我同宗那里去为我儿子娶妻 Take a Wife for My Son - Ed Byskal
  420. 05-1113M 打那美好的信心之仗 Fight the Good Fight of Faith 2b - Ed Byskal
  421. 05-1109 打那美好的信心之仗 Fight the Good Fight of Faith - Ed Byskal
  422. 05-1023M 服从 Obedience 2 - Tom Rae
  423. 05-1019 服从 Obedience 1 - Tom Rae
  424. 05-1016M 主在你里头 The Separated Life 2 (God's in You) - Ed Byskal
  425. 05-1012 最后的清扫 Final Sweeping - John Andes
  426. 05-1009M 分別的生命 The Separated Life - Ed Byskal
  427. 05-1005 夜间的歌曲 He Gives Me Songs in the Night - Tom Rae
  428. 05-1002M 将肢体献上 Yielding Your Members - Ed Byskal
  429. 05-0928 蒙神能力的保守 Kept by the Power of God - Tony Abma
  430. 05-0925M 事奉系统 Serving the System - Ed Byskal
  431. 05-0918M 以弗所书:教会的奥秘Ephesians,Mystery of the Church -D.Donaldson
  432. 05-0916 呼召的奥秘 Mystery of the Call - Derrick Donaldson
  433. 05-0911E 神记念祂的思想 God Remembers His Thoughts - Lance LeRoux
  434. 05-0911M 枝子是否都被砍断 Are the Branches Being Broken Off? - Ed Byskal
  435. 05-0907 在伯特利支搭帐棚 Pitching Your Tent At Bethel - Ed Byskal
  436. 05-0904E 回归之后的恩膏 The Anointing After the Return - John Andes
  437. 05-0904M 爱批评的眼睛 A Critical Eye - Lance LeRoux
  438. 05-0831 你们要成为见证人 You Shall Be Witnesses - Tom Rae
  439. 05-0828E 会众的会幕 Tabernacle of the Congregation - Zephaniah Peters
  440. 05-0828M 掌控人的灵 Taking Control of the Human Spirit - Ed Byskal
  441. 05-0826 最大的争战 The Greatest Battle Ever Fought - Zephaniah Peters
  442. 05-0821E 正确的承认 A Good Profession - Tom Rae
  443. 05-0821M 持守着称义 Standing For Righteousness - Tom Rae
  444. 05-0813 约书亚的负担 (夏令营信息) Joshua's Burden 3 - Ron Spencer
  445. 05-0812 约书亚的负担 (夏令营信息) Joshua's Burden 2 - Ron Spencer
  446. 05-0811 约书亚的负担 (夏令营信息) Joshua's Burden 1 - Ron Spencer
  447. 05-0803 你被提的身份证 Your ID for Rapture 2 - Ed Byskal
  448. 05-0731E 共历主的苦难 Fellowship of His Sufferings - Lance LeRoux
  449. 05-0731M 你被提的身份证 Your ID for Rapture 1 - Ed Byskal
  450. 05-0724M 上去,下来 Ascending & Descending - Ed Byskal
  451. 05-0720 我们是复活,生命 We're the Resurrection & the Life - Didier K.
  452. 05-0717E 回应你属灵身体的呼唤 Answering the Call of Your Theophany - Jn A.
  453. 05-0717M 有权去到生命树那里 Our Right To the Tree of Life 2 - Tom Rae
  454. 05-0713 有权去到生命树那里 Our Right To the Tree of Life 1 - Tom Rae
  455. 05-0710E 基督新妇的声音 The Bride's Voice - Tim Pruitt
  456. 05-0710M 迟延时所发生的事 What Happens in the Delay - Tim Pruitt
  457. 05-0706 最大最后的马拉松 The Grand & Final Marathon 3 - Ed Byskal
  458. 05-0703E 生命的意义 The Meaning of Life - Lance LeRoux
  459. 05-0703M 最大最后的马拉松 The Grand & Final Marathon 2 - Ed Byskal
  460. 05-0629 只有无花果树叶 Fig Leaves Only - Tom Rae
  461. 05-0626E 倒空的器皿 Empty Vessels - Howard Searle
  462. 05-0626M 最大最后的马拉松 The Grand & Final Marathon 1 - Ed Byskal
  463. 05-0622 塞尔维亚的见证 Serbia Report - Ed Byskal
  464. 05-0619E 压顶石的品性 Capstone Character - Erine Villanueva
  465. 05-0619M 多结果子的枝子 A Fruitful Bough 2 - Tom Rae
  466. 05-0615 培养得转变的渴望 Cultivating Desires for the Change - John Andes
  467. 05-0612M 你们是主里的光 Now Ye are Light in the Lord 3 - Ed Byskal
  468. 05-0608 你们是主里的光 Now Ye are Light in the Lord 2 - Ed Byskal
  469. 05-0605M 你们是主里的光 Now Ye are Light in the Lord 1 - Ed Byskal
  470. 05-0601 见证 Testimony of Benjamin Dehkurdi - Ed Byskal
  471. 05-0529E 新造之人的袍子 The Robe of the New Creation - Tony Abma
  472. 05-0529M 防御的城墙 Our Wall of Defence 2 - Tom Rae
  473. 05-0525 防御的城墙 Our Wall of Defence 1 - Tom Rae
  474. 05-0515E 通过转变而成熟 Maturity Through Transition - John Andes
  475. 05-0522M 启示的大能 Power of Revelation 3 - Ed Byskal
  476. 05-0516 以色列的报告 Israel Report - Rabbi Richman
  477. 05-0515E 接受我们生命中的改变 Accepting Changes In Our Lives - Jn Andes
  478. 05-0515M 启示的大能 Power of Revelation 2 - Ed Byskal
  479. 05-0511 我们在基督里的增长 Our Increase in Christ 5 - Tom Rae
  480. 05-0508E 心与心的交流 Heart To Heart - Lance LeRoux
  481. 05-0508M 我们在基督里的增长 Our Increase in Christ 4 - Tom Rae
  482. 05-0504 富有潜能的种子 Seed of Potential - Timothy Burdette
  483. 05-0501E 巴基斯坦的见证 Pakistan Testimony - Anwar Javed
  484. 05-0501M 启示的大能 Power of Revelation 1 - Ed Byskal
  485. 05-0427 供应所缺乏 Providing that which is Lacking - Tony Abma
  486. 05-0424M 我们在基督里的增长 Our Increase in Christ 3 - Tom Rae
  487. 05-0420 我们在基督里的增长 Our Increase in Christ 2 - Tom Rae
  488. 05-0417E 在属灵更年期中得胜 Victory Through Spiritual Menopause - Jn Andes
  489. 05-0417M 我们在基督里的增长 Our Increase in Christ 1 - Tom Rae
  490. 05-0413 信心的眼睛 The Eyes of Faith - Ed Byskal
  491. 05-0410E 神的儿女是谦卑的人 Sons..of God..Are A Humble People - Tom Rae
  492. 05-0410M 先前有,如今没有,以后再有的兽 The Beast That..s Not & Yet Is - Ed.B
  493. 05-0406 语音激活 Voice Activated - Ron Peterson
  494. 05-0403E 敞开的脸,不是两张脸 Open Faced, Not 2 Faced - Lance LeRoux
  495. 05-0403M 得胜者之家 Home of the Overcomer 2 - Ed Byskal
  496. 05-0330 得胜者之家 Home of the Overcomer 1 - Ed Byskal
  497. 05-0327E 愿你的意旨成全 Thy Will be Done - Tim Dodd
  498. 05-0327M 经历复活的大能 Resurrection - Tim Dodd
  499. 05-0323 死被得胜所吞灭 Death Is Swallowed Up In Victory - John Andes
  500. 05-0320E 没有比为朋友牺牲的爱更大 Greater Love Hath No Man - Tom Rae
  501. 05-0320M 一个圣洁,资源丰富的国家 A Holy, Resource-Rich Nation 6 - Ed Byskal
  502. 05-0316 神话语的拯救行动 Divine Rescue Operation by the Word - Didier
  503. 05-0313E 继续坚持下去,不要停止 Keep On 2 - Tom Rae
  504. 05-0313M 一个圣洁,资源丰富的国家 A Holy, Resource-Rich Nation 5 - Ed Byskal
  505. 05-0309 一个圣洁,资源丰富的国家 A Holy, Resource-Rich Nation 4 - Ed Byskal
  506. 05-0306E 持久的影响 An Influence that Endures - Lance LeRoux
  507. 05-0306M 一个圣洁,资源丰富的国家 A Holy, Resource-Rich Nation 3 - Ed Byskal
  508. 05-0302 继续坚持下去,不要停止 Keep On 1 - Tom Rae
  509. 05-0227E 一个圣洁,资源丰富的国家 A Holy, Resource-Rich Nation 2 - Ed Byskal
  510. 05-0227M 一个圣洁,资源丰富的国家 A Holy, Resource-Rich Nation 1 - Ed Byskal
  511. 05-0223 没有什么难成的事 Nothing's Impossible 2 - Tom Rae
  512. 05-0220E 脱离五种感官 Rescued from the 5 Senses - Didier
  513. 05-0220M 没有什么难成的事 Nothing's Impossible 1 - Tom Rae
  514. 05-0216 脱离属灵的健忘症 Deliverance from Spiritual Amnesia - Jn Andes
  515. 05-0213E 有能力看见 The Power to See - Didier
  516. 05-0213M 藉着血而有的交通 Fellowship Through the Blood - Ed Byskal
  517. 05-0206E 犹太人的复兴 Revival of the Jewish People - Tony Abma
  518. 05-0206M 我听到了他们的哀求 I Have Heard Their Cry 2 - Ed Byskal
  519. 05-0202 奥斯维辛集中营解放60周年 60 Yrs Auschwitz Liberation - Ed Byskal
  520. 05-0130E 给基督加冕(尊主为大) Crowning Christ - Lance LeRoux
  521. 05-0126 下一度空间 The Next Atmosphere - Didier
  522. 05-0123E 承认的能力 The Power of Confession - Lance LeRoux
  523. 05-0123M 我听到了他们的哀求 I Have Heard Their Cry 1 - Ed Byskal
  524. 05-0119 奉献,火热的人 Consecrated, Passionate People - John Andes
  525. 05-0116e 与主交通 Fellowship with God - Tom Rae
  526. 05-0116M 一群预备好去到新世界的人A People Made Ready for a New World-E.B.
  527. 05-0112 使人和睦的人有福了 Blessed Are The Peacemakers - Tom Rae
  528. 05-0109M 敌对的世界 Worlds Colliding 2 - Ed Byskal
  529. 05-0105 平安 Peace 2 - Tom Rae
  530. 05-0102M 敌对的世界 Worlds Colliding 1 - Ed Byskal
  1. 04-1226M 平安的信息 Message of Peace - Tom Rae
  2. 04-1219E 持守 Perseverance 2 - Tom Rae
  3. 04-1219M 没有别的神 No Other Gods - Ed Byskal
  4. 04-1215 领导和敬拜 Leadership and Worship - Ed Byskal
  5. 04-1212M 跟从他的脚踪 In His Step - Ed Byskal
  6. 04-1205E 灵敏的心 A Sensitive Heart - Lance LeRoux >
  7. 04-1205M 推卸责任的游戏 The Blame Game 2 - Ed Byskal
  8. 04-1128E 找回原来的火热 The Return of the Original Flame - John Andes
  9. 04-1128M 推卸责任的游戏 The Blame Game 1 - Ed Byskal
  10. 04-1121E 三维的救赎 3D Deliverance - Aaron McGeary
  11. 04-1121E 土耳其的见证 Testimony of Turkey - Mustafa
  12. 04-1121M 这人不会孤独 This Man Shall Not Be Alone - Ed Byskal
  13. 04-0922 服侍入门 Ministering An Entrance - Tony Abma
  14. 04-0919E 乌兹别克的见证 Testimony fr.Uzbekistan - Anatoly Saidow+Tony A.
  15. 04-0919M 喜乐的预备 Happy Preparation - Tom Rae
  16. 04-0915 彰显基督 Manifesting Christ - Ernie Villanueva
  17. 04-0912M 基督测不透的丰富 The Unserchable Riches of Christ - Tom Rae
  18. 04-0908 约柜在进行 The Ark Is Moving - Ed Byskal
  19. 04-0905E 我们每天生活中的第三阶段的事工 Third Pull In Our Daily Lives - Jn A.
  20. 04-0905M 当相信就够了时 When Believing Is Enough - Lance LeRoux
  21. 04-0901 信心的交叉点 Junction of Faith - Tony Abma
  22. 04-0829E 起来过去 Arise & Lets Go Over - John Tay
  23. 04-0829M 分辨真正财宝的价值 Recogniz. the Value of True Riches 2 - Ed B.
  24. 04-0825 个人见证 Testimony - Raymond Butler
  25. 04-0822E 主做王了 The Lord Reigneth 2 - Tom Rae
  26. 04-0822M 分辨真正财宝的价值 Recogniz. the Value of True Riches 1 - Ed B.
  27. 04-0808M 同心合一在一处 In One Accord in One Place - Ed Byskal
  28. 04-0801E 主使他们不同 The Lord Makes A Distinction - Lance LeRoux
  29. 04-0801M 饥荒中的筵席 Feast in the Mist of Famine - Ed Byskal
  30. 04-0725E 这场仗是属于主的 This Battle is the Lord's - John Andes
  31. 04-0725M 我们是神产业的继承人 We Are Heirs of God 3 - Tom Rae
  32. 04-0721 我们是神产业的继承人 We Are Heirs of God 2 - Tom Rae
  33. 04-0718M 我们是神产业的继承人 We Are Heirs of God 1 - Tom Rae
  34. 04-0714 一个国家的诞生 The Birth of A Nation 4 - Ed Byskal
  35. 04-0711E 纪念我们的羔羊 Remember Your Lambs - Tom Rae
  36. 04-0711M 一个国家的诞生 The Birth of A Nation 3 - Ed Byskal
  37. 04-0707 一个国家的诞生 The Birth of A Nation 2 - Ed Byskal
  38. 04-0704M 不搀假 Without Wax - Lance LeRoux
  39. 04-0630 你们要为我建造何等的殿宇 What House Will You Build Me? -Tom Rae
  40. 04-0627E 更好 More Excellent - Lance LeRoux
  41. 04-0627M 一个国家的诞生 The Birth of A Nation 1 - Ed Byskal
  42. 04-0623 我知道我的救赎主活着 I Know My Redeemer Lives - Tony Abma
  43. 04-0620E 神的怜悯成就奇事 Mercy of God Does Great Wonders 2 - Tom Rae
  44. 04-0620M 进入应许之地 Journey Into the Promise - Ed Byskal
  45. 04-0613M 等候得儿子的名份 Waiting For the Adoption - Ed Byskal
  46. 04-0609 祂带领我 He Leadeth Me - Tom Rae
  47. 04-0606E 启示录第3讲 Revelation Study 3 - Lonnie Jenkins
  48. 04-0606M 启示录第2讲 Rev. Study 2 Power of Blood - Lonnie Jenkins
  49. 04-0602 启示录第1讲 Rev. Study 1 The Apocalypse - Lonnie Jenkins
  50. 04-0530E 神性 Godhead in Focus 2 - Lonnie Jenkins
  51. 04-0530M 神性 Godhead in Focus 1 - Lonnie Jenkins
  52. 04-0526 我的禧年 My Jubilee - Ed Byskal
  53. 04-0523M 神同在的盼望 Expectations of His Presence - Tom Rae
  54. 04-0519 解压 Letting off the Pressure - Ed Byskal
  55. 04-0516E 第四个人 The Fourth Man - Tom Rae
  56. 04-0516M 神的话掌管世事的演变 World Events Moved by Word of God 2 - E.B.
  57. 04-0509M 神的语掌管世界大事的演变 World Events being Moved..1 - Ed Byskal
  58. 04-0505 这个时代的压力 Pressure of This Age - Ed Byskal
  59. 04-0502M 一个似乎不适合我们的时代 An Age We Seem Unfit For - Ed Byskal
  60. 04-0428 顾念所不见的 Looking at the Unseen 2 - Ed Byskal
  61. 04-0425M 顾念所不见的 Looking at the Unseen 1 - Ed Byskal
  62. 04-0421 义人呼求 The Righteous Cry Out - Tom Rae
  63. 04-0418E 秋雨春雨 Former, Latter Rain - Brides Revival - Tony Abma
  64. 04-0418M 谁能控告神所拣选的 Who'll Lay..Charge of God's Elect - Tom Rae
  65. 04-0414 主使被囚的得释放 The Lord Looseth the Prisoners 2 - Tom Rae
  66. 04-0411E 没有惧怕(亚洲报告) No Fear - Asian Mission Reports - Tony Abma
  67. 04-0411M 再次站在伊甸园中 Standing in Eden Again - Ed Byskal
  68. 04-0404E 神的渴望 God's Desire - Lance Leroux
  69. 04-0404M 所以你们要持守, 坚固 Therefore Remain Steadfast
  70. 04-0331 以色列的赞美 Praises of Israel - Ed Byskal
  71. 04-0328E 拥有纪律的记号 Possessing Token Discipline - John Andes
  72. 04-0328M 主使被囚的得释放 The Lord Loosed the Prisoners - Tom Rae
  73. 04-0324 行道的人 Doers of the Word - Ernie Villanueva
  74. 04-0314E 黑暗却不接受光 And Darkness Comprehended It Not - Tom Rae
  75. 04-0314M 我们这活着还存留的人 We That Are Alive And Remain - Ed Byskal
  76. 04-0310 主 Lord ownership - Tim Dodd
  77. 04-0307E 我有的足够了 I Have Enough - Lance LeRoux
  78. 04-0229E 值得吗 Worth It? - Tom Rae
  79. 04-0229M 我们争战的武器 The Weapons of Our Warfare 2 - Ed Byskal
  1. 03-1207E 上帝是神 God Is God - Lance LeRoux
  2. 03-1207M 目标 The Objective 3 - Ed Byskal
  3. 03-1130E 叁孙: 狮子与蜜 Samson, The Lion and The Honey - Tom Rae
  4. 03-1203 目标 The Objective 2 - Ed Byskal
  5. 03-1130M 目标 The Objective 1 - Ed Byskal
  6. 03-1123E 乌克兰和土耳其的报告 Ukraine & Turkey Missions Reports - Tony A.
  7. 03-1123M 完全的通行 Full Access 2 - Tom Rae
  8. 03-1116E 毕士大的池子 The Pool of Bethesda - Didier K.
  9. 03-1116M 完全的通行 Full Access 1 - Tom Rae
  10. 03-1112 不变的神 The Unchanging God 2 - Tom Rae
  11. 03-1109E 不变的神 The Unchanging God 1 - Tom Rae
  12. 03-1109M 异象的过程 The Process of the Vision 3 - Ed Byskal
  13. 03-1105 异象的过程 The Process of the Vision 2 - Ed Byskal
  14. 03-1102E 在他眼中看为宝贵 Precious In Your Sight - Lance LeRoux
  15. 03-1102M 异象的过程 The Process of the Vision 1 - Ed Byskal
  16. 03-1029 神的众子欢呼 Sons of God Shouted for Joy - Tom Rae
  17. 03-1026E 有星从雅各而出 The Star Out of Jacob - Tom Rae
  18. 03-1026M 神在这个时代收集他的材料God thro'this Age Gather.His Material-Ed B.
  19. 03-1029 他奋勇自强 He Strengthened Himself - Ed Byskal
  20. 03-1019E 一生事奉在他的脚前 A Life of Service At His Feet - John Andes
  21. 03-1019M 雅各有从神而来的能力 And Jacob Had Power with God 4 - Tom R.
  22. 03-1015 雅各有从神而来的能力 And Jacob Had Power with God 3 - Tom R.
  23. 03-1012E 他不将我的灵魂撇在阴间 He'll Not Leave My Soul In Hell - Tony Abma
  24. 03-1012M 雅各有从神而来的能力 And Jacob Had Power with God 2 - Tom Rae
  25. 03-1005E 软弱中的荣耀 To Glory in Weakness - Lance LeRoux
  26. 03-1005M 真正的盼望 A True Expectation - Ed Byskal
  27. 03-1001 雅各有从神而来的能力 And Jacob Had Power with God 1 - Tom Rae
  28. 03-0928E 神造男造女 Male & Female Created He Them 2 - Ed Byskal
  29. 03-0928M 神造男造女 Male & Female Created He Them 1 - Ed Byskal
  30. 03-0924 无花果树叶子的宗教 A Fig Leaf Religion - Daniel Gissendaner
  31. 03-0921E 挑战 The Challenge - Tom Rae
  32. 03-0921M 被误解之神的属性 Misunderstood Attributes of God 2 - Ed Byskal
  33. 03-0917 被误解之神的属性 Misunderstood Attributes of God 1 - Ed Byskal
  34. 03-0914E 复活的大能 Quickening Power 3 - Tom Rae
  35. 03-0914M 收获已过 The Harvest Is Past - Ed Byskal
  36. 03-0910 我们预定的荣耀 Our Predestinated Glory - Tony Abma
  37. 03-0907E 你已被激活 You Hath He Quickened - Tom Rae
  38. 03-0907M 患难的价值 The Value of Affliction - Ed Byskal
  39. 03-0903 将人性的弱点献上 Dedicat.Contents of Human Grabbag - Ed Byskal
  40. 03-0827 站稳立场 Taking A Stand - Ernie Villanueva
  41. 03-0824E 我将你的道藏在心里 Thy Word Have I Hid in my Heart - Tom Rae
  42. 03-0824M 不必再立根基 Not Laying Again the Foundation 2 - Ed Byskal
  43. 03-0820 不必再立根基 Not Laying Again the Foundation 1 - Ed Byskal
  44. 03-0817M 大卫之子登上宝座 Son of David Coming to His Throne - J.LaFontaine
  45. 03-0810M 麦基洗德的胸牌 Breastplate of Melchisedec - Ed Byskal
  46. 03-0802E 亚摩利人罪孽的杯子满盈 The Cup of Iniquity.. - Chesa Blessing
  47. 03-0802M 你生命中种子信心的旋律 Rhythm of Seed Faith.. - Derrick Donaldson
  48. 03-0727E 活在神圣的带领之下 Living Under Divine Leadership - Jn Andes
  49. 03-0727M 极大的安慰 The Great Mighty Counsel - Tom Rae
  50. 03-0723 时候满足时 Fullness of Time - Tony Abma
  51. 03-0720E 窑匠的轮子 Shaped By the Potter's Wheel - Derrick Donaldson
  52. 03-0720M 我们的潜力 Our Potentials - Ed Byskal
  53. 03-0715 以色列报告 An Israel Report 2 - Gershon Soloman
  54. 03-0714 以色列报告 An Israel Report 1 - Gershon Soloman
  55. 03-0713E 没有血,不得进入 Without Blood, No Entrance - Lance LeRoux
  56. 03-0713M 我们做得不好 We Do Not Well - Richard Diyoka
  57. 03-0709 那人是有福的 Blessed Is the Man - Tony Abma
  58. 03-0706E 使人和好的事工 Ministry of Reconciliation - Ken Andes
  59. 03-0706M 种子里的能力使我们继续前进 Power In the Seed To Continue - Ed B.
  60. 03-0702 神的呼召 The Call of God 2 - Ed Byskal
  61. 03-0629E 不朽的声音 The Sound of Immotality - John Andes
  62. 03-0629M 神的呼召 The Call of God 1 - Ed Byskal
  63. 03-0625 心志坚固的信徒 The Believer is Steadfastly Minded - Ed Byskal
  64. 03-0622E 神众子的显现 Manifestation of the Sons of God 2 - Dixon Kandoje
  65. 03-0622M 神众子的显现 Manifestation of the Sons of God 1 - Dixon Kandoje
  66. 03-0618 和平路线图 Roadmap To Peace 3 - Tom Rae
  67. 03-0615E 在我父的家 In My Father's House - Isaiah Brook
  68. 03-0615M 找正确的伴侣 Get The Right Mate - Dan Daisley
  69. 03-0611 和平路线图 Roadmap To Peace 2 - Tom Rae
  70. 03-0608E 我们完全的得赎 Our Full Redemption - Tony Abma
  71. 03-0608M 和平路线图 Roadmap To Peace 1 - Tom Rae
  72. 03-0521 救赎的权利 Rights of Redemption 3 - Ed Byskal
  73. 03-0518M 救赎的权利 Rights of Redemption 2 - Ed Byskal
  74. 03-0514 救赎的权力 Rights of Redemption 1 - Ed Byskal
  75. 03-0511E 给疲乏之人的港湾 A Haven for the Weary - John Andes
  76. 03-0511M 现今的境况 Present Condition - Tom Rae
  77. 03-0507 利百加的原则 The Rebekah's Principles - Steven Strooh
  78. 03-0504E 没有血就不得赦免 Without Blood No Remission - Lance LeRoux
  79. 03-0504M 幔子背后 Just Beyond the Veil 2 - Ed Byskal
  80. 03-0430 小事 The Little Things - Tom Rae
  81. 03-0427M 穿过幔子 Just Beyond the Veil 1 - Ed Byskal
  82. 03-0420M 确信被提 Setting Our Faith Towards Rapture - Ed Byskal
  83. 03-0413M 收成的时候 Harvest Time 3 - Tom Rae
  84. 03-0330M 亚伯拉罕有两个孩子 Abraham Had 2 Sons - Ed Byskal
  85. 03-0323M 同心和意在一处 With One Accord in One Place - Ed Byskal
  86. 03-0316M 他为我持守我所得的 He Maintains My Lot 3 - Tom R.
  87. 03-0312 他为我持守我所得的 (诗Ps 16:5) He Maintains My Lot 2 - Tom R.
  88. 03-0223M 得到神的应许 Obtaining His Promises - Tom Rae
  89. 03-0216M 忍耐 Patience 3 - Tom Rae
  90. 03-0209M 在审判与怜悯之间 Between Judgment & Mercy - Ed Byskal
  91. 03-0205   看穿幔子那边 Seeing Beyond the Veil - Edward Byskal
  92. 03-0202M 看到那不见的 Seeing Him Who's Invisible 2 - Ed Byskal
  93. 03-0126M 看到那不见的 Seeing Him Who's Invisible 1 - Ed Byskal
  94. 03-0119M 末后有指望 (路Lk 2:25) An Expected End 3 - Ed Byskal
  95. 03-0112M 末后有指望 (耶Jer 29:11) An Expected End 1 - Ed Byskal
  96. 03-0105M 与神的使者面对面 Face to Face with the Angel... - Ed Byskal
  1. 02-1229M 受神使者的劝化 Persuaded by Angels - Ed Byskal
  2. 02-1222M 礼物的交换 Exchange of Gifts - Ed Byskal
  3. 02-1208E 完全信心的境界 A World of Perfect Fatih 5 - Ed Byskal
  4. 02-1208M 完全信心的境界 A World of Perfect Fatih 4 - Ed Byskal
  5. 02-1204 你们的眼睛是有福的 Blessed Are Your Eyes - Tom Rae
  6. 02-1201E 神的盼望 God's Expectations - Lance LeRoux
  7. 02-1201M 完全信心的境界 A World of Perfect Fatih 3 - Ed Byskal
  8. 02-1127 完全信心的境界 A World of Perfect Fatih 2 - Ed Byskal
  9. 02-1124E 凡有耳可听的 Ears To Hear - Tom Rae
  10. 02-1124M 完全信心的境界 A World of Perfect Fatih 1 - Ed Byskal
  11. 02-1120 职位之恩 Positioning Grace - Tony Abma
  12. 02-1117E 灵里谦虚的人 The Poor In Spirit - Lance LeRoux
  13. 02-1117M 生为神的居所 Born To Be A Dwelling Place - Tom Rae
  14. 02-1113 岂不知你们是神的殿 Know Ye not..Ye are the Temple - Tom Rae
  15. 02-1110E 神使之不同 And the Lord Hath Put A Difference 2 - Tom Rae
  16. 02-1110M 教导他们战事 Teach Them War - Ed Byskal
  17. 02-1106 让应许之地的百姓预备好 Preparation For..Promised..People - Jn A.
  18. 02-1103E 与一个被击败的仇敌争战 Contend. with A Defeated Enemy - Lance L.
  19. 02-1103M 波阿斯的呼召 The Call of Boaz - Ed Byskal
  20. 02-1030 这是神的工 This Is the Works of God - Ed Byskal
  21. 02-1027E 光的影子 Shadows of Light - Donny Reagan
  22. 02-1027M 现代的黑暗 Present Darkness 2 - Donny Reagan
  23. 02-1025 现代的黑暗 Present Darkness 1 - Donny Reagan
  24. 02-1020E 你认识恩典吗 Do You Know Grace? - Tony Abma
  25. 02-1020M 神使之不同 And the Lord Hath Put A Difference 1 - Tom Rae
  26. 02-1016 从巴兰的咒诅中得释放 Delivered fr. Balaam's Curse - Tony A.
  27. 02-1013M 受天使的影响 Influenced By Angels 5 - Ed Byskal
  28. 02-1006E 在软弱上刚强 Strength by Weakness - Tom Rae
  29. 02-1006M 抓住、持守、坚持到底 Hold On, Hold Fast, Hold Out - Lance LeRoux
  30. 02-1002 ( No Title ) - Didier Kalambaie
  31. 02-0922E 小路 Pathways - John Andes
  32. 02-0922M 受天使的影响 Influenced By Angels 2 - Ed Byskal
  33. 02-0918 受天使的影响 Influenced By Angels 1 - Ed Byskal
  34. 02-0915M 赎罪祭里的能力 Power In the Atonement - Tim Dodd
  35. 02-0908E 圣餐 Communion Service - Ed Byskal
  36. 02-0908M 征服的能力 Power of Subduing 3 - Ed Byskal
  37. 02-0904 中国事工汇报 China Missons Report - Sebastian Goh
  38. 02-0901E 让我们... Let Us... - Lance LeRoux
  39. 02-0901M 征服的能力 Power of Subduing 2 - Ed Byskal
  40. 02-0825E 一个选择的结果 The Result of A Choice - Sebastian Goh
  41. 02-0825M 征服的能力 Power of Subduing 1 - Ed Byskal
  42. 02-0818E 辨认的能力 Power of Recogenision - Chris Hall
  43. 02-0818M 成为神儿子的能力 Power To Become Sons - Chris Hall
  44. 02-0816E 预定的大能 Power of Predestination - Chris Hall
  45. 02-0811E 活的道,活的异象 Living Word, living Vision - Tony Abma
  46. 02-0811M 幔子被除去了 The Veil Is Taken Away 4 - Ed Byskal
  47. 02-0807E 幔子被除去了 The Veil Is Taken Away 3 - Ed Byskal
  48. 02-0804E 要分辨担当什么样的担子 Discern.What Burdens To Bear - Lance L.
  49. 02-0731E 幔子被除去了 The Veil Is Taken Away 1 - Ed Byskal
  50. 02-0728M 神的心意 The Mind of God - Tom Byler
  51. 02-0726 我要把我的教会建立在这磐石上 Upon This Rock I'll Build My Church
  52. 02-0721M 转变的大能在种子里 Transforming Power Is In the Seed - Ed B.
  53. 02-0717E 预定的季节,预定的百姓 Predestinated Season - People - Jn A.
  54. 02-0714M 活出所认信的真理 Living A Confession of the Truth - Ed Byskal
  55. 02-0707M 在神的道中继续 Continuing In the Truth 2 - Ed Byskal
  56. 02-0703E 在真理中继续 Continuing In the Truth 1 - Ed Byskal
  57. 02-0630E 在试炼中喜乐 Joy In the Trials - Ken Andes
  58. 02-0626 穿过那幔子 Breaking Through the Veil - Tony Abma
    英-汉语对译 (双语) English Preaching followed by Mandarin Interpreting:
  1. 99-0109 新族裔 1 The New Race 1 - Donny Reagan
  2. 99-0110 新族裔 2 The New Race 2 - Donny Reagan
  3. 99-0301 以利亚的五次到来 Five Comings of Elijah (1) - Donny Reagan
  4. 99-0302 以利亚的五次到来 Five Comings of Elijah (2) - Donny Reagan
  5. 99-0303 以利亚的五次到来 Five Comings of Elijah (3) - Donny Reagan
  6. 99-0304 神性的诠释 The Godhead Explained - Donny Reagan
  7. 99-0305 问题解答 Questions & Answers - Donny Reagan
  8. 00-0325 神的国 The Kingdom of God (1) - Donny Reagan
  9. 00-0326 神的国 The Kingdom of God (2) - Donny Reagan
  10. 00-0327 天国的信徒 Believers in the Kingdom - Donny Reagan
  11. 00-0329 神的奥秘 The Mystery of God - Donny Reagan
  12. 00-0330 两个国度的争战 Two Kingdoms At War - Donny Reagan
  13. 00-0331 黑暗之国与光明之国 Kingdom of Darkness & Kingdom of Light (1)
  14. 00-0401 黑暗之国与光明之国 Kingdom of Darkness & Kingdom of Light (2)
  1. 04-0107 收获的季节 Season of Harvest - Tom Rae
  2. 04-0108M 收获的盼望 Hope of Harvest - Tom Rae
  3. 04-0108E 两种庄稼 Two Kinds of Crops - Tom Rae
  1. 04-0210M 天国近了 The Kingdom of Heaven is At Hand 1 - Tony Abma
  2. 04-0210E 天国近了 The Kingdom of Heaven is At Hand 2 - Tony Abma
  3. 04-0211A 天国近了 The Kingdom of Heaven is At Hand 3 - Tony Abma
  4. 04-0212A 启示录第13章 Revelation 13 - Tony Abma
  5. 04-0212 与复活结婚 Marry Resurrection - Tony Abma
  6. 04-0213 他去到阴间 He Went to the Hell - Tony Abma
  7. 04-0213 七个印 Seven Seals - Tony Abma
  8. 04-0214 七雷的声音 Voice of 7 Thunders - Tony Abma
  9. 04-0215M 完全的救赎 Perfect Redemption - Tony Abma
  10. 04-0215A 属灵的人 Spiritual Man - Tony Abma
  11. 04-0215E 神的道来了 The Coming of God's Word - Tony Abma
  12. 04-0216 愿你的国降临 May Your Kingdom Come - Tony Abma
  13. 04-0218 应许之地里的应许 Promises in the Promised Land 1 - Tony Abma
  14. 04-0219 应许之地里的应许 Promises in the Promised Land 2 - Tony Abma
  15. 04-0220 你认识恩典吗?Do You Know Grace? - Tony Abma
  16. 04-0220 神的国近了 God's Kingdom is Near - Tony Abma
  1. 04-1001 神普遍的工作和特定的工作 General & Special Works of God - Chris H.
  2. 04-1002 新妇 --- 羔羊的妻子 Bride-Lamb of God - Chris Hall
  3. 04-1003 一个身体,一个声音 One Body, One Voice - Chris Hall
  4. 04-1004M 问题解答 Questions & Answers - Chris Hall
  5. 04-1004E 超级的族类 Super Race - Chris Hall
  6. 04-1005 生活在以前时代的反光中 Live by the Glare of other Ages - Chris Hall
  7. 04-1006 他们看出他是指着他们说的 They Perceive He's Talk.. Them - Chris H.
  8. 04-1009 蒙悦纳的敬拜 Worship that Please God - Chris Hall
  9. 04-1010 新妇的时代 The Bride Age - Chris Hall
  10. 04-1000 杭州弟兄姐妹的见证 Testimonies of Believers in HZ, China

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