|灵修小文| 三个十字架灵修

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文章来源网络 2021-12-01 08:18 三个十字架 在加略山有三个十字架。一侧十字架上挂着的是一个死在罪中的人——他不接受耶稣。另一侧十字架上挂着的是一个将要死于罪的人——他相信耶稣是救主和主(路23:40-43)。中间那个十字架上挂着的是一个为罪而死的人...


2021-12-01 08:18


在加略山有三个十字架。一侧十字架上挂着的是一个死在罪中的人——他不接受耶稣。另一侧十字架上挂着的是一个将要死于罪的人——他相信耶稣是救主和主(路23:40-43)。中间那个十字架上挂着的是一个为罪而死的人——耶稣。他可以为别人而死,因为他是神的儿子,他自己没有罪。对于挂在两侧十字架上的那两个人来说,中间那个十字架决定了他们截然相反的“去向”—— 永恒的地狱,永恒的天堂。




 老童 译

Three Crosses

There were three crosses on Calvary’s hill. On one was a man dying in sin—he did not accept Jesus. On another was a man dying to sin—he trusted Jesus as Savior and Lord (Luke 23:40-43). And on the middle cross was One dying for sin. He could die for others because He was God’s Son and had no sin of His own. The center cross made all the difference for those two men hanging beside Jesus—the difference between an eternal hell and an eternal heaven.

The whole world is represented by those two thieves and their response to the Lord Jesus. I see in the three crucified individuals a picture of the sinner, the saint, and the Savior.

A man was asked to receive Christ but put it off by saying, “Oh, don’t bother me now. There is always the eleventh hour. Remember the dying thief.” He was shocked when the persistent Christian said pointedly, “Which thief? Remember, there were two!” The man responded, “That’s right. I had forgotten that. I meant the saved one!” That very night he decided to trust Jesus for his salvation.

Look in faith now to that One in heaven who once hung on the middle cross. You too will hear His word of forgiveness and hope.

by:  Henry G. Bosch

