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核心提示:从诺亚方舟的故事,学会了什么?从诺亚方舟的故事,学会了什么?来源:互联网浏览次数:206更新时间:2009-1-7 8:22:00 1. 不要错过船期 Don’t miss the boat 2. 记着我们同坐一条船Rem... 从诺亚方舟的故事,学会了什么? 从诺亚方舟的故事,学会了...

核心提示:从诺亚方舟的故事,学会了什么?从诺亚方舟的故事,学会了什么?来源:互联网浏览次数:206更新时间:2009-1-7 8:22:00 1. 不要错过船期 Don’t miss the boat 2. 记着我们同坐一条船Rem...

从诺亚方舟的故事,学会了什么? 从诺亚方舟的故事,学会了什么? 来源:互联网 浏览次数:206 更新时间:2009-1-7 8:22:00  

1. 不要错过船期

Don’t miss the boat

2. 记着我们同坐一条船

  Remember we’re on the same boat

3. 凡事要先作好准备,方舟是在大雨前建造的

We need good planning. Noah’s ark was built before the heavy rain came

4. 保持健康体魄,即使你六十岁,仍会有人要你做大事

Stay in good health, you’ll still be needed for major venture even if you’re 60

5. 不要怕批评,专心完成所需要做的工作

Don’t be bothered by any criticism,focus on what needs to be completed

6. 在高处建造您的未来

Build your future on high places

7. 为安全起见,要出双入对

For safety’s sake, travel in pairs

8. 速度不是永远最重要,蜗牛和印度豹最终也同在船上 

Speed is never the most important thing,snail and the leopard end up on the same boat

9. 神经紧张时,沉淀一下

When you feel uptight, relax a little.

10 .记着,方舟是由外行人建造,而铁达尼号却是专家的杰作

 Remember, the ark was built by layman, Titanic was built by specialists


No matter how bad the weather outside is,
if you walk with God, the rainbow is just ahead of you




There are so many people who come and go in your life.

Only friends will leave their footprints in your heart.
