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30首古诗英译 (一)Enjoy the rain in spring night春夜喜雨 Tang唐 Du杜甫 Choosing season is good rain, 好雨知时节, It falls right in spring, 当春乃发生。 with night wind it sneaks, 随风潜入夜, quietly nourishes all...

(一)Enjoy the rain in spring night春夜喜雨
Tang唐 Du杜甫
Choosing season is good rain, 好雨知时节,
It falls right in spring, 当春乃发生。
with night wind it sneaks, 随风潜入夜,
quietly nourishes all things. 润物细无声。
(二) 清明 QM festival
Tang唐 Dumu杜牧
QM festival rains and rains, 杜牧清明时节雨纷纷,
People on streets are mourning and sad. 路上行人欲断魂。
"Where to drink" ask they, 借问酒家何处有,
“Almond bloom village ”cow boy’s hand indicates. 牧童遥指杏花村。
(三)The strong wind大风歌
Han汉 Liubang 刘邦
Clouds fly for wind is strong, 大风起兮云飞扬,
Conquer country whole then return home, 威加海内兮归故乡,
May brave soldiers guard 4 border zones. 安得猛士兮守四方?
(四) 已亥杂诗 My poet in year of Yihai
Qin清 Gongzhizhen龚自珍
Thunder and storm make nation strong,
all horses stand mute should be mourned,
I wish Lord of Heaven march on and on,
send talents from usual and unusual zones.
(五) The pitiful farmers悯农
 Tang唐 Lishen李绅
At noon on field farmers plow, 锄禾日当午,
sweats drop to the ground, 汗滴禾下土。
None knows rice from how, 谁知盘中餐,
by hard working they come out. 粒粒皆辛苦。
(六)Farewell to Dongda(1) 别董大(其一)
Tang唐 Gaoshi高适
Yellow cloud under sunshine is a million feet, 千里黄云白日曛,
wild geese soar in north snow and wind, 北风吹雁雪纷纷。
Good friends be few don’t worry, 莫愁前路无知己,
 Your name is known by every. 天下谁人不识君。
(七)The Geese咏鹅
Tang唐 Luo Binwang骆宾王
Geese, geese, geese, 鹅鹅鹅,
to sky crooked necks sing, 曲项向天歌,
White furthers float on water green, 白毛浮绿水,
red palms blow waves clean. 红掌拨清波。
(八) The Painting画 
Tang 唐 Wang Wei王维
Colorful is the far hill, 远看山有色,
    silent is the water near, 近听水无声。
Flowers bloom still after spring leaves, 春去花还在,
birds don’t fear even you come here. 人来鸟不惊。
(九)The wind风
Tang唐 Liqiao李峤
Drop leaves of 3 years, 解落三秋叶,
open the second month flowers. 能开二月花。
Raise waves high in rivers, 过江千尺浪,
let all bamboos bias. 入竹万竿斜。
(十)夜宿山寺 Spend A Night In Mountain Temple
Tang唐  Libai李白

100 feet is the towering house,
Stars may be picked by arms stretching out.
Dare not speak aloud,
frighten heavenly hosts somehow.
(十一)Plum Blossoms梅花
Song宋 Wang Anshi王安石
At wall’s corner plum blossoms make a show, 墙角数枝梅,
bloom alone even in cold, 凌寒独自开。
Far away I don’t think it is snow, 遥知不是雪,
for fragrance faintly floats. 为有暗香来。
(十二)A Song for Huashan Mountain咏华山
Song宋  Kouzhun寇准
Above alone is the sky, 只有天在上,
other mounts are not so high. 更无山与齐。
the sun is just over head of mine, 举头红日近,
turn back to find cloud low and white. 回首白云低.
(十三)Army Life(4)从军行其四
Tang唐 Wangchangling王昌龄
Green Sea’s cloud darkening Snow Mount is long, 青海长云暗雪山
I view Jade Pass from town forlorn 孤城遥望玉门关
Hundreds fights on yellow sands golden armors outwore, 黄沙百战穿金甲
without victory we won’t come back home! 不破楼兰终不还
(十四)A Traveller's Song游子吟
Tang唐 Meng Jiao孟郊
With thread loving mother sews on, 慈母手中线,
 her son the traveller's robe; 游子身上衣;
densely she mends before he leaves home, 临行密密缝,
worries back-date prolongs. 意恐迟迟归。
Can love of grass of inch-long, 谁言寸草心,
repay three springs sun shone? 报得三春辉?
(十五)Send Meng Haoran to Guangling
Tang 唐Li Bai李白
Old friend leaves at western Yellow Crane Chamber, 故人西辞黄鹤楼,
heading Yangzhou in third month full of flowers. 烟花三月下扬州。
Under blue sky remote sail disappears, 孤帆远影碧空尽,
on its way to heaven is Changjiang river. 惟见长江天际流。
(十六)QiuPu Song秋浦歌
  Tang唐 Libai李白
White hairs are as long as 9000 meters, 白发三千丈,
than these my burden is longer, 缘愁似个长。
before the mirror I wonder, 不知明镜里,
than frost of fall my hairs are whiter. 何处得秋霜?
(十七)八阵图 the Eight Army Positions
Tang 唐  Du Fu杜甫
High devotion to one third kingdom, 功盖三分国,
famous for the Eight Army Positions. 名成八阵图。
River runs but stones stand firm, 江流石不转,
Be regret not to devour Wu kingdom. 遗恨失吞吴。
(十八)My Poem In Year Of Yihai(2)已亥杂诗其二
Qin清 Gongzizhen龚自珍
In tremendous sad at twilight the poet leaves,
guide the horse to end of east he whispers a poem.
The fading flower is not heartless.
even be mud to guard flowers in spring.
(十九) Meeting Li Guinian in South of River江南逢李龟年
Tang唐 Du Fu杜甫
Frequently we met in Qiwang’s house, 岐王宅里寻常见,
At Cuijiu’s hall sometimes you were found. 崔九堂前几度闻。
South of river is in the best now, 正是江南好风景,
nice to meet you again as blooms fall down.
. 落花时节又逢君。
(二十)Poem In Four Lines绝句
Tang唐 Du Fu杜 甫
Two yellowbirds sing gaily on a green willow, 两个黄鹂鸣翠柳,
white egrets fly to blue heaven in a row, 一行白鹭上青天,
Age-old snow covering west range is in window, 窗含西岭千秋雪,
voyage ships to Dongwu moor by door. 门泊东吴万里船。
(二十一) 望天门山 Tian Men Mountain
Tang 唐 Libai 李白
Tianmen Mountain is divided by Chujiang river, 天门中断楚江开,
turns back here the east going water. 碧水东流至此回。
Green mounts on both banks appear in pair, 两岸青山相对出,
a single sail from the sun comes over.孤帆一片日边来。
(二十二) Send spring in the thirtieth of third month三月晦日送春
Tang唐  Jiadao贾岛
The thirtieth of third month comes just, 三月正当三十日,
away me arduous poet beautiful scenes depart, 风光别我苦吟身。
Stay awake all night long two of us, 共君今夜不须睡,
spring remains before the rising of the sun. 未到晓钟犹是春。
(二十三)My Feeling About Reading Books观书有感
Song宋 Zhuxi朱熹
Half acre square pond seems a mirror to be, 半亩方塘一鉴开,
sunlight and clouds are reflected, 天光云影共徘徊。
Why is the canal so clean? 问渠哪得清如许?
for alive water comes from the origin. 为有源头活水来。
(二十四) Song of Weichen渭城曲
Tang唐 Wangwei王维
Early rain in Weicheng wets light dusts, 渭城朝雨浥轻尘,
in guest’s yard to willows green comes,
"Please bottom up one more cup, 劝君更尽一杯酒,
in western Sun Pass no old friend cheers you up."
(二十五) Song For Lime 石灰吟
Ming 明  Yiqiang于谦
Be blown and blown you leave mountains, 千锤万凿出深山
be burned and burned seems to be common, 烈火焚烧若等闲。
Become a thousand pieces fear not even, 粉骨碎身浑不怕,
just be pure under heaven. 要留清白在人间
The Gold-Thread Robe金缕衣
Tang唐  Du Qiuniang杜秋娘
Covet not a gold-thread robe,
youth time should not be lost!
When flower blooms lose it not,
else empty branch you broke.
 (二十七) Sending letter to North In Night Rain夜雨寄北
Tang唐  Li shangyin李商隐
As return I don’t know “when”, 君问归期未有期,
autumn pond overflows by Bashan’s night rain.
When we trim candle one day at window to west, 何当共剪西窗烛,
how to recall Bashan under night rain?
(二十八)  The Bee蜂
Tang 唐 Luoyin罗隐
No matter plains or peaks, 不论平地与山尖,
you occupy all the scenes, 无限风光尽被占。
from all the flowers making honey, 酿得百花成蜜后,
for whom to work hard even offer sweet? 为谁辛苦为谁甜?
(二十九)   On The Mountain Holiday
Thinking Of My Brothers In Shandong
Tang唐 王维Wang Wei
As a stranger in a strange city, 独在异乡为异客,
come festivals comes twice homesick. 每逢佳节倍思亲。
brothers far away climb up hills, 遥知兄弟登高处,
everyone sows cornel except me. 遍插茱萸少一人。
 (三十) Visiting the Locked Garden 游园不值
Song 宋  Ye Shaoweng 叶绍翁
The pitiful shoe is stained by green moss, 应怜屐齿印苍苔,
I knock the wood door long but answered not, 小扣柴扉久不开。
Colors of flowers in garden can not be locked, 春色满园关不住,
a red almond bloom sprouts over the wall.

