香港机场以色圣经 箴言1 1 列王大卫儿子所罗门的箴言。2要使人晓得智慧和训诲。分辨通达的言语。3使人处事,领受智慧,仁义,公平,正直的训诲。4使愚人" />


作者:annalukas 来源:[网络收集] 浏览:
箴言1" TITLE="圣经箴言1" />香港机场以色圣经 箴言1 1 列王大卫儿子所罗门的箴言。2要使人晓得智慧和训诲。分辨通达的言语。3使人处事,领受智慧,仁义,公平,正直的训诲。4使愚人...

箴言1" TITLE="圣经箴言1" />香港机场以色圣经 箴言1 1 列王大卫儿子所罗门的箴言。2要使人晓得智慧和训诲。分辨通达的言语。3使人处事,领受智慧,仁义,公平,正直的训诲。4使愚人灵明,使少年人有知识和谋略。5使智慧人听见,增长学问。使聪明人得着智谋。6使人明白箴言和譬喻,懂得智慧人的言词和谜语。7敬畏耶和华是知识的开端。愚妄人藐视智慧和训诲。8我儿,要听你父亲的训诲,不可离弃你母亲的法则。(或作指教)9因为这要作你头上的华冠,你项上的金链。10我儿,恶人若引诱你,你不可随从。11他们若说,你与我们同去,我们要埋伏流人之血,要蹲伏害无罪之人。Proverbs 11 Theproverbs of Solomon son of David, king ofIsrael:2 forattaining wisdom and discipline; for understanding words ofinsight;3 foracquiring a disciplined and prudent life, doing what is right andjust andfair;4 for givingprudence to the simple, knowledge and discretion to theyoung--5 let thewise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning getguidance--6 forunderstanding proverbs and parables, the sayings and riddles of thewise.7The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge,but fools despise wisdom anddiscipline.8 Listen, myson, to your father's instruction and do not forsake your mother'steaching.9 They willbe a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn yourneck.10 My son, ifsinners entice you, do not give in tothem.11 If theysay, "Come along with us; let's lie in wait for someone's blood,let's waylay some harmless soul;

