|灵修小文| 以主为满足灵修

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文章来源网络 2021-11-27 07:35 以主为满足 查理曼大帝是法国的国王,他极尽享受王国的财富和辉煌。但,他死时,却带不走它们。 多年后,有人走进查理曼的坟墓,他们发现查理曼被“葬”在一个四周围绕着珍宝的“王座”上。在他的膝盖上放着一本新约圣经。在...


2021-11-27 07:35










老童 译


Satisfaction In The Lord


Charlemagne the Great was the king of France, and he enjoyed all the riches and splendor of the kingdom. But he left it all behind when he died. 

Many years later, some people went into Charlemagne’s tomb and discovered that he had been buried sitting on a throne with treasures all around him. On his lap was a copy of the New Testament and one of his bony fingers was on the verse, “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” (Mark 8:36-37). 

Charlemagne had much more than you and I will probably ever have, but he left it. In the same way, we can’t keep the things of this world. Now read slowly these next few words. 

If you could gain the whole world and if you could keep it, I guarantee it would not satisfy you. You see, God made you for Himself. The Bible says, “In Him we live, and move, and have our being” (Acts 17:28a). God is the element in which you are supposed to live. You will never find satisfaction until you find it in the Lord.


Adrian Rogers

